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Open Source, Path Params, and Query Import


Welcome to the first release after the open-sourcing of Yaak! In case you missed the news, check out the full-length Announcement Post.

Yaak also has a new Feedback Site, powered by FeatureBase, so submitting and managing feedback will be a much nicer experience!

Okay, let’s jump into the goodies of this release.

🪄 URL Path Parameters

APIs that use a lot of GET requests can end up having a lot of really long URLs. For example:


This is a pain because it can be challenging to edit the segments of a URL. Now you can use the :placeholder syntax to populate a URL path segment. Yaak will automatically add these placeholders as entries in the Params tab.

URL path parameter

Path parameter placeholders for easy editing

Tip: Click the placeholders in the URL to navigate directly to the Param!

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📋 Import querystring on paste

Yaak will now automatically import any querystring parameters into the Params tab after pasting into the URL bar. This is a huge time-saver for those who frequently copy-paste URLs into Yaak.

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Fixes and Improvements


  • Fix Windows installer appending an extra .exe to the path #92
  • Handle Postman URL query and path variables yaakapp/plugins@92ac917